Trolls Will Be Trolls 4e – Part 4

Hey there space cadets! This is Part 4 in a series of posts where I share my conversion of Heron Prior’s Trolls Will Be Trolls One-Page Dungeon to 4th edition. I strongly recommend you all take a look at that link, as it’s a very cool dungeon! It will also give context to the encounters below. :)

You can find Part 1 here. Part 2 is here. Part 3 is here.

Each part in the series will detail my specific monsters and encounter layout for the different rooms in the dungeon. Any specific treasure will be noted; otherwise, it’s up to the DM to determine how many (if any) treasure parcels are found in each location.

I hope you guys enjoy these write ups, and if you use them please let me know how it went!

Note: savvy readers will notice that I seem to have skipped area 4! This is because there are no monsters in the Cistern (by default). See the original pdf for more info!

Area 5: The Drinking Room


Courtesy of the D&D wikiThe Drinking Room is accessible via stairs up from the cistern area, or by one of two long tunnels from the Reeking Dens. It is a simple open cavern featuring a stone table, a chicken coop, and a volatile looking still.

A Giant Fanged Troll is chomping down on some live chickens from a pen in this room, while two Half-Trolls and a Devil-Troll with thorny skin play dice in a corner.

If Vulture’s Crag is on alert, the room is empty save for the Giant Fanged Troll who was left here as a rear guard.

If the party has made a lot of unusual noise (spells, etc) fighting in the Upper Guardroom, the trolls here are wary and are watching all the entrances, ready to attack.

If they smell burning flesh (say from fire being applied to downed trolls in order to keep them down), one of the Half-Trolls has gone done the hallway to area 6 in order to warn Stencheye that something is wrong. Give the trolls perception checks (hard DC equal to party level) in order to notice the smell.


If attacked, or if they are on alert, the trolls in this room will fight the PCs. TheGiant Fanged Troll moves in to engage as many of the PCs as possible, using Sweeping Claws and focusing its grabs on the squishiest looking target. If the opportunity presents itself, the troll will attempt to throw PCs into the cistern; treat as a bull rush (+15 vs fort).

The Devil-Troll moves around the perimeter of battle, using Snatch and Grab to separate weak looking PCs from the group (particularly leaders or controllers).

The two Half-Trolls start out with ranged attacks, but move into melee if engaged, grabbing halberds.

If the fight starts going south for the trolls (all trolls are bloodied, the Giant Fanged Troll is killed, etc) one of the Half-Trolls attempts to break off from the fight to run and warn Stencheye. If no half-troll is able to do so, the Devil-Troll (if still alive) will use Thorny Movement to escape and warn the others.

Features of the Room

  • Dim illumination throughout the main room via some light from the chimney in area 4 during the day and fires from the still. At night, the trolls light candles.
  • Cistern Edge: all squares bordering the edge of the cliff leading down to the cistern are treacherous. Any medium creature who takes damage while in one of these squares must make an Acrobatics check (easy DC) or fall into the cistern.
  • The still is a safety hazard under the best conditions. Any close or area attack that includes the still risks detonating the volatile moonshine brewing inside. Have the still make a saving throw each time it is subject to such an attack; on a failed save it explodes (close burst 3, +13 vs Ref, 2d10 fire damage and ongoing 5 fire, save ends)
  • A big wooden hutch contains a number of live chickens who live in constant fear of the Giant Fanged Troll. If the hutch is damaged or the chickens are released, they burst out in a swarm of clucking and flying feathers. All creatures within 2 squares of the hutch when this happens grant combat advantage until the end of their next turn.
  • Treasure: 3 jugs of Troll Moonshine (treat as Alchemists Acid (see Compendium)) and one treasure parcel worth of coinage on the stone table.


4e monster

4e monster

4e monster


Caves of Carnage is a good set of dungeon tiles to use here, if you have them.

Click to access Heron%20Prior%20%E2%80%93%20Trolls%20will%20be%20Trolls.pdf
