Jandor’s Magic Item Series #10 – Krampus Bag

Hey there space cadets! This series is all about magic items for your game table. Most will be Pathfinder, but a few from other game systems may crop up from time to time.

Each item will have a unique name, history, and treasure horde in which you may find it, as well as relevant crafting information and cost.

The goal of this series is to present a number of helpful and interesting items GMs can drop into a treasure horde or have ready for that random encounter on those days where you just don’t have a bunch of prep time. Or, maybe the item will spark a bit of story or an adventure!

NAME: Krampus Bag

Aura Moderate conjuration; CL 9rd; Craft Wondrous Item, rope trick, secret chest; Price 2,000 gp; Identify Spellcraft DC 24

DESCRIPTION: A Krampus Bag is a large burlap or leather sack tied with a frayed rope. They are sometimes fitted with straps like a backpack. The bag never weighs more than 5 lbs.

The interior of a Krampus Bag is an extradimensional space big enough to fit an adult sized halfling comfortably. The bag can carry up to 100 lbs of material. Like a bag of holding, if the bag is overloaded it ruptures, and anything (or anyone) inside it is destroyed forever. Unlike other extradimensional spaces, creatures placed inside the sack can breath normally.

HISTORY: The Krampus Bag is a tool reportedly used by the legendary Krampus, who once a year terrorizes naughty children in remote communities.The Krampus steals children who have misbehaved or disobeyed their parents and spirits them away in one of these bags, leaving the child alone far away from home. Other reports claim that the Krampus eats the children, and still other stories claim it will bring them home again after they’ve had a good scare. What can be said for certain is that these bags are unique among extradimensional spaces in that a Krampus Bag allows creatures placed inside it to breathe normally.

It has gained some popularity in halfling and gnome communities as a great way to hide or play pranks on people.

SAMPLE TREASURE HORDE: A Krampus Bag filled with 1378 silver pieces, 500 copper pieces, 200 gold pieces, and three scrimshaw carvings of fish (worth ~20 gp each). This sample horde could belong to any CR 5 creature that uses standard treasure.

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Sources Used: Core Rulebook and Ultimate Combat

Creative Commons License
Jandor’s Magic Item Series by Anthony Borzotta is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.d20pfsrd.com.
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