Jandor’s Magic Item Series #12 – Coplamak

Hey there space cadets! Check out the first post in the series here!

NAME: Coplamak (+5 huge Heavy Mace)

Aura Strong evocation; CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Price 50,336 gp; Identify Spellcraft DC 30

DESCRIPTION: This 10 foot long, 8 inch thick wooden pole is reinforced with copper bands. One end is wrapped in leather and has a strap; at the other end, a heavy stone ball is securely fastened. It weighs around 32 lbs altogether. Given the size and balance, it looks like it’s was created for a Storm Giant or something of similar size.

HISTORY: Coplamak is an ancient heavy mace, created by a Storm Giant priest named Taştan.

During the mythic era, when giants walked the earth and orcs, elves, dwarves and the other humanoids were just beginning to come into being, the storm giants of Gökyüzü were warring against the devils of the Nine Hells. The conflict had been raging for centuries, with neither side gaining the upper hand.

Taştan, a warrior priestess, was the leader of the Gökyüzü church, and one of their mightiest warriors. Frustrated by her foe’s natural resistances to sword and hammer, bow and blade, fire and acid and many energies besides, Taştan desired a weapon that would instil fear in her enemies and give her people an edge.

Many prototypes were created. Some were instilled with holy energy; some aligned themselves with the wielder; some exploded with frost and silver flame upon striking a creature or object. She used cold iron, steel, stone, bronze, mithral, adamantine, dragon bone … and rejected them all. Each had a single element in their favor, but none accomplished her goal.

Frustrated, Taştan communed with her gods for a year and  a day. The war waged on, and the giants, bereft of one of their most powerful soldiers, began to give ground. The Gökyüzü high command begged her to return, to fight, to help, but she refused.

In the end, the priestess had an epiphany. She looked around her chamber at all of the discarded ideas, the formulas worked and re-worked and abandoned, the countless hours of thought, and she realized that she was simply trying to hard. She realized that sometimes, simplicity is the key to greatness.

So she forged Coplamak, and she forged it with such skill and precision that despite being made of stone and wood, despite having no unique properties or powers, it was and remains her greatest work. And when she finished Coplamak, she took it up and strode into battle and laid waste to an army of devils, their natural resistances as nothing before its might.

Coplamak did not win the war, but it did turn the tide. Since that day, all giants revere it as an example of the perfect weapon, and seek to wield it themselves.

SAMPLE TREASURE HORDE: 9,000 gold pieces in a dragonskin sack, a complete set of the Harmonious Figures of Kan-Le (each a statue of a monk, approximately 1 foot high, in a unique pose; when collected, the depict a lost kata of the Kan-Le style; individually they are worth 1500 gp each, together considerably more), and Coplamak. This sample horde could belong to any CR 17 creature that uses standard treasure.

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Sources Used: Core Rulebook and Ultimate Combat

Creative Commons License
Jandor’s Magic Item Series by Anthony Borzotta is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.d20pfsrd.com.
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