Friday Round Up

Hey there space cadets! Time for a good old miss-mash of a mix-tape of a hodge-podge post!

First: new N7 operation this weekend! WOO!

Awesome things to note:

  • Commondation packs are pretty easy this weekend; you only need to get ONE person to extraction on SILVER or higher; and at least ONE person on the squad must be a new class (Vorcha, Male Quarian, or Ex-Cerberus).
  • Victory Pack guarantees an N7 (or Ultra Rare) weapon! So get out there and play some games!

This should be a nice, simple, fun N7 weekend, space cadets. I for one will be rolling random map/random enemy on silver and gold as I level up my soldiers, sentinels and engineers!

And now for something completely different: KINGMAKER!

My Thursday night group is currently on book 2 after over a year, I think, because a) we don’t get a lot of playtime and b) we are slooooooooooooow. In order to speed things along, we decided last night that I should go ahead and take care of the kingdom building stuff for about 12 months of game time on my own. I’m a big strategy game nerd so this appealed to me (and I’ve been basically running it for us from the get-go). The other players like the results but aren’t super into the crunch, being more interested in exploration and dealing with events/issues that arise. It’s especially hard to do the kingdom building as a group since we play online.

Thus, I went ahead and took some basic suggestions on what to build from everyone and plotted the events of our kingdom over the course of a year; and I have fairly handily busted the economy. And here is how.


Every month your kingdom goes through four phases. During these phases you can assign new NPCs/PCs to leadership roles, acquire new hexes, try to get unrest under control, build cities/stuff in cities, and so on.

The important part is the Income phase, where you roll your economy check. It’s fairly easy to get your economy up rather high, but even so you’re not going to earn much revenue that way. This was slowing us down because we were saving to buy some big ticket items (market, town hall, etc), and it could take MONTHS to get enough income.

Then I searched a bit online and I found a clause in the Income phase that lets you sell magic items your kingdom generates for Build Points (the currency of this game structure). Since you generate magic items every month so long as you have empty slots, you can SELL them every month.

Minor magic items don’t sell for much, but when you start getting to Medium and Major items the rate of return is fairly significant; and this is on top of what you are earning with the normal Economy check.

To put it simply, I prioritized getting buildings that a) generated items and b) made OTHER magic item generating buildings cheaper, and by the end of 12 months our economy had increased it’s average income by over 800%. Pretty sexy, no?

For those of you who want to know the specific path I used:

Save money -> buy Cathedral -> buy Academy -> buy Caster’s Tower and Magic Item Shop -> go crazy.

Cathedrals halve the cost of Academies, Academies halve the cost of Caster’s Towers and Magic Item Shops. At this point you should have enough districts and enough items to be selling one Major and several Medium items every month, generating a TON of BP.

If you REALLY want to break your game, you can repeat that in multiple cities. I don’t recommend this, however; as with any strategy game, breaking the economy can make everything else a bit of a joke, and that can suck out a lot of the fun.

The cool thing about this path for us is that it made sense story wise, too; we have a good mix of Gods that we want represented (and a big Cathedral seems a great way to do that), our party wizard really wanted a tower, and Academies/Magic Item Shops are good for bringing in trade.

But I also made sure we built taverns and breweries and a garrison and a jail and so on, trying to flesh out the city.

All in all I found it to be an enjoyable exercise; it remains to be seen if our DM approves it or decides he needs to tone things down (which would be fine).

My suggestion to other DMs out there who are worried about this breaking their Kingmaker game is this: put a “cooldown” on magic items.

  • Minor Items refresh every month.
  • Medium Items refresh every two months.
  • Major Items refresh every four months.

That should keep things from getting TOO out of hand while still allowing this to be a viable (and I think necessary) strategy to build up the economy of the kingdom. It also makes sense thematically, since it takes longer to craft things with higher GP values.

Kingdom building aside, I am enjoying Kingmaker as a whole. One of the big challenges in the game is that the story is (for a while) very open and sandboxy; and it will take some good flair from the GM (and a certain mindset from the players) to REALLY get into it. But it works perfectly fine as a weekly hex-crawl, too, which is how we play it. Just expect to do a bit more work than normal to get people invested in the world.

Finally, I’ve been preparing to run the introductory module for the Eclipse Phase quick-start rules.

Eclipse Phase is AWESOME. Crazy transhumanist dystopic hard sci-fi setting with a lot of flair and flavor. Mechanics are simple on the surface, deep as you get into things (from what I can tell). The best part is it’s all Creative Commons licensed! That’s right, the core book is FREE! CRAZY!

It’s good stuff, and I’m excited to run it for my Monday group (who have never played before).

One of the things I’ve been doing to get ready is to flesh out the very bare-bones scenario they give you in the quick-start rules; it’s a great framework, but it needs a bit more meat to be run properly I think. When I’m all done and have finished running it, maybe I’ll do a post about my process and reaction to it … until then, here’s hoping it goes smoothly!

That’s all for now space cadets, have a great weekend!



As the name implies, today I talk about all kinds of things!

First: as I mentioned Wednesday, Operation SHIELDWALL starts today at 6:00 PM PT! Be sure to get out there and get those promotions in-between beach time and BBQs!

Second: the Mass Effect 3: Rebellion Pack comes out on TUESDAY! Bioware hinted at this in the description for Operation: SILENCER, and it’s coming sooner than I expected and it’s FREE! Super pumped (despite the fact that I STILL haven’t unlocked any Geth or even all of the launch class/race combos), especially for the new maps!

Things of note:

  • SIX new class/race combos including VORCHA!
  • New guns!
  • Two new maps!
  • New equipment!
  • Whatever this totally kick ass power is! (see below)
Ex-Cerberus class screenshot from Rebellion Pack


You can check out the full list of details here. Drops on Tuesday, May 29th stateside!



Third: In non-Mass Effect news, looks like Skyrim is getting even more free goodies! The Kinect patch came out a while ago, adding some very handy voice commands to the X-Box. I didn’t realize how much the limited real-estate on the controller hampered you until I started mixing in the Kinect commands … Sort By Value by itself would have been worth an update. And now, we are getting MOUNTED COMBAT.

This is a first for the Elder Scrolls franchise, and if it’s at all usable I may finally buy a good horse, because up until now there has been no point in owning one (aside from watching them kick dragons in the face). Okay, so now there will be MORE reasons to own a horse. Looks like both melee and ranged combat will be possible from horseback, which could make some outdoor battles pretty cool!

No word on when that will drop for consoles, but PC players can hop on the Beta now. The update will be free and will contain some mild bug-fixes as well, so grab it when it comes out!

But free mounted combat isn’t the only thing in the works for Skyrim; Dawnguard is on the horizon! The first paid DLC for the Elder Scrolls V has some sketchy details at best, but Bethesda is planning to reveal more at E3 in just a couple short weeks! Stay tuned for more!

Dawnguard teaser pic

Mmm Dovahkiin.

Fourth: since I haven’t posted any crunchy goodness in a while, I leave you with a simple list.

What’s that hallway like, anyway?

  1. Water stains are evident on the ceiling in several places. A DC 17 Perception check notices some water actively dripping down the walls.
  2. The walls are bowed inward slightly, as if there is pressure from the other side.
  3. The walls are covered in hideous wallpaper. A DC 15 Perception check notices that the wallpaper is relatively new.
  4. The floor has been covered with a series of once-beautiful rugs. Lifting them up reveals a large number of stains on the wood floor.
  5. The walls have been hastily whitewashed. A DC 20 Perception check and some time scraping with a knife reveals that the white wash covers mad writing, haphazardly painted in black ink.
  6. A series of portraits hangs on the walls. Close inspection (and a DC 18 Perception check) reveals that the paintings have recently been re-arranged.


COMMENTORS: What feature would you most like Bethesda to intruduce to Skyrim in the Dawnguard DLC?

Some Moar Thyngz

I was going to post some Pathfinder stuff, or maybe the next part of my Dawnfire Series, but … but I watched Sherlock season 2 instead.

Have you watched this? IT IS AMAZING. Seriously. I know I normally talk video games on the blog (exceptions noted), but this show is SO GOOD.

You can even watch Season 1 on Netflix!

Okay but back to video games: BIG NEWS. Well, news. Mass Effect news!

This weekend (Memorial Day weekend what whaaaaat) is Operation SHIELDWALL. Note that despite it being a 3 day weekend for most of the United States, the challenge still runs the normal Friday-Sunday schedule.

Some sexy things of note:

  • The Squad Goal is a bit misleading. Chris Priestly from Bioware clarified, stating that each player INDIVIDUALLY needs to promote 3 classes over the weekend in order to get a Commendation Pack. So get that XP, space cadets!
  • Banshees might spawn with OTHER ENEMY FORCES. So that wave of Geth, featuring all those Pyros and Primes? Might also have a Banshee or three. o_O
  • The allied goal (50,000 promotions) seems pretty doable, which is exciting since we failed Operation SILENCER.

So that sounds pretty dope. I’ve got some classes between 15 and 20 so I SHOULD be able to get my three promotions in between all that time playing Diablo 3.

Did I mention Diablo 3 came out and I’ve been playing it all of the times? Oh right I did that video. But update! I finally got the game installed and have been burning through Normal with my Monk. It is pretty fun! I also started a Hardcore Barbarian w/my Monday night gaming group. I’m positive she will die to a server glitch, and my rage will be legendary. I’ll probably post about Diablo soon, or do a podcast (on my other site) … or both. Keep your eyes peeled!

Well that’s all for now, space cadets! Come back Friday for (hopefully) some crunchy goodness! Or some kick ass news! Or a video!

I like to keep things interesting.  And now I leave you with this incredibly sexy box set for Street Fighter.

COMMENTORS: Sound off! Who here will be taking part in Operation SHIELDWALL?

Some Things

Hey there space cadets! Monday afternoon post time!

As you are all undoubtedly aware, DIABLO 3 COMES OUT TOMORROW! I’m quite excited. My Collectors Edition has shipped and I should be playing soon!

Diablo III Box Art by Blizzard. May be subject to Copyright.

I will be on vacation this week, however, so … soon might be next Monday (first world problems!) as I won’t have access to my computer. STILL! It should be awesome, space cadets!

And since it is likely to be QUITE popular, this bears repeating: be careful with your account! Plenty of opportunists out there who are likely to try to take advantage of you. So grab an Authenticator and read this post. Hopefully the in-game auction house will solve some of these issues but it never hurts to be on your guard. That way you can focus on the demon slaying dopeness stress-free!

Operation Silencer Logo - Bioware

In other news, OPERATION SILENCER wrapped up today! If you’re like me you played a crazy amount of Mass Effect 3 this weekend, and hopefully (also like me!) had a blast. My friends and I managed to get Full Extraction on Gold difficulty TWICE on Sunday! Go go Commendation Pack!

But it got me thinking I should add some pointers to my earlier post about surviving on Gold in multiplayer. So here, in no particular order, are some tips:

  • BRING ALL OF THE MISSILES. Yes I said this before, but it bears repeating: MISSILES SAVE LIVES.
  • Power Combos are incredibly good. There are a bunch of ways to trigger them; this is a good list. Memorize it, use it; they REALLY pay off on higher difficulties, allowing you to survive otherwise impossible situations.
  • Know Thy Enemy. Every opposition force (Cerberus, Geth, Reapers) has a mix of opponents and requires a good mix of teammates to take down properly. Cerberus requires a mixed group (biotic and tech folks) to deal with Guardians, Atlases, and Phantoms and their mix of armor, shields and barriers. A heavy tech team is best when dealing with Geth; Overload, Energy Drain and Sabotage are all great vs. the synthetic doom squad that is the Geth. And bring your biotics for Reaper battles; biotic explosions will SHRED these foes.
  • ALWAYS BRING AN INFILTRATOR. Or, as I have come to call them, an Invisible Medic. Having someone who can cloak and revive people is invaluable on any difficulty, but especially on Gold, where losing teammates is bad news.
  • Use Equipment. Ammo, weapon mods and boosts to shields or recharge speed or movement can really make a difference when it counts.
  • Have fun! It can be REALLY FRUSTRATING at times, especially when the game glitches. Remember that we’re all playing to have a good time! Getting full extraction on Gold is a challenge, and achieving it all the sweeter because it’s so damn hard. So remember to take a break when it gets to be too much, and come back to it fresh! Trust me, you will do better when you’re having fun.

And there we have it! A few more tips for getting those sweet, sweet Commendation Packs. It should also be noted that you get somewhere around 60 THOUSAND credits for beating Gold, so, yeah. That’s awesome.

Other things that are awesome: Asari Adepts. They are SO GOOD, especially vs. Reapers. Warp+Throw=EXPLODING YOUR FACE. Stasis is AMAZING. They are my favorite.

Other awesome classes include: Salarian Engineers (mmm Energy Drain and Decoy), Drell Vanguards (mmm Pull and fast movement), and Geth Infiltrators (mmm Hunter Vision and Tactical Cloak).

And finally, as a reward for getting through that wall of text, here’s a pretty sweet video that sets up the story for Diablo III. Enjoy!

COMMENTORS: Anyone going to a Diablo III midnight release party?

Tips for Beating Gold in ME3 Multiplayer

Yeah bitches

This weekend my friends and I accomplished the impossible:

Full extraction on Gold.

Okay, that statement is a bit hyperbolic. Gold is not impossible (otherwise we never would have won!). It IS absurdly difficult, however. Here are some tips for getting that sweet, sweet full extraction:

1: Pick your enemy!

Sure, it may seem unsporting to not go Random Enemy, but honestly the amount of pain the badguys can dish out necessitates that you have the right team for the job. By per-selecting your foes you can ensure that the party has the right composition of powers. For example, in the winning match against Cerberus our team was comprised of a Quarian Infiltrator (me), a Salarian Engineer, a Geth Engineer, and an Asari Adept. Lots of ways to shred shields, crowd control, and I could HACK ATLASES. And turrets. It is SUPER satisfying to see one of those damn turrets murder a Phantom instead of your face.

2: Pick your map!

Gold is about survival, space cadets, and if you don’t have good defensible locations for that final stand you’re pretty much DOA. Firebase White (Noveria map) is great in general because there are limited ways to get flanked (and dead), and the extraction point is much easier to defend than practically every other map out there.

3: Play with friends!

Party up! A group of four friends on chat is more likely to win simply because you can better co-ordinate and communicate during the match. In our successful game, we had three of us in party chat and a great player as our random fourth. A big part of us winning (besides my brother carrying the team with over 90k points!) was our ability to relay information on enemy locations and objectives, and to co-ordinate classes beforehand.

Also, and this should not be discounted, it is WAY more fun to have other people to cheer with when you win.


Seriously. Bring them all. None of that weak-sauce “I’ve got one missile” shit, I mean a full compliment including an extra missile upgrade you got earlier. You need them. You need more than you have, always. The four of us burned through about eight missiles in that match, and totally could have used more. Because you never know what’s coming next! Maybe it’s four Phantoms running between the legs of 2 Atlases. Maybe its four Atlases. MAYBE IT’S BOTH ON THE SAME ROUND.

5. Stick together

This goes for bronze and silver, too; don’t split the party! Flanking is good and sometimes necessary but you need to move as a unit. That way you can provide cover fire, watch each others backs, and not be on the other side of the map from your buddies when you get capped. Because …

6. It’s not always a good idea to revive your teammates

If you’re likely to die in the process, it’s probably better to let them bleed out or spend medigel. Which means …


Seriously, do it. Buy that Jumbo Equipment Pack.

And finally …

8. Be mobile!

There are times when you need to leave that nice, defensible location because it is CRAWLING with death. Don’t be afraid to do so! Staying behind cover as the enemies advance is only going to work if you can actually kill them all. Otherwise, the better plan is to go where the enemy is NOT and pick off the stragglers. Being outnumbered on Gold is a death sentence; try to keep your foes to a manageable amount.

Well there you have it! My 8 Easy Steps for getting Full Extraction on Gold! Will these always work? Hell no! Gold is BRUTAL. But if you keep these ideas in mind, it should level the playing field.

Space cadets! What tips do you have for surviving gold? Who here has managed that incredible feat?

Kinect Dragon Shouts & Legion Calls Wesker

Hey there space cadets! Two videos for you today.

The first is a short video introducing some of the new Kinect commands for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. For those of you who already have a Kinect, the novelty ofactually yelling “FUS-RHO-DAH!” should last about 5 minutes before you go back to using the controller. For those of you who don’t own a Kinect, this is probably not a good reason to get one.

Still … it is tempting me to get Skyrim back out.

Next up, for you Mass Effect and Resident Evil fans out there, DC Douglas (vocal talent behind Legion and Wesker, among others) lends his voice to a goofy little video where two of his signature characters meet via video phone. It’s pretty golden.

Enjoy, and have a good weekend!

A quick update

Hey there space cadets! CJ here with some news.

First, I haven’t forgotten about you guys. I am working on several homebrew projects for 4e that I’m planning to post here (including more of Trolls Will Be Trolls) in the near future. I’ve also beaten Mass Effect 3, which was awesome. I’ll be doing a podcast about it (rife with spoilers) that should go up next week on my other site,, so check it out!


Hope everyone’s having fun out there!


Guess what day it is

Go on, guess!




I gots my Collectors Edition in the mail, my Argus Assault Rifle pre-order code, I’ve got the night off and it’s gonna be gooooood times, space cadets.

And for those of you out there with a X-Box Live Gold Account who want to play some multiplayer with me this weekend, my gamertag is CaptainJandor! Hit me up!


That is all.

Updates! Rawr!

Hey there space cadets!

Long time, no post. Sorry about that! Lotta awesome stuff has come up since my last post:

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning had a pretty sweet demo with some pretty sweet Mass Effect 3 tie ins.

The demo for Syndicate is awesome. This trailer for Syndicate has been proscribed as a natural alternative to Viagra.

Asura’s Wrath is quick-time the game, and also shonen the game, and also man boner rage the game. You should check out the demo. Here is the E3 trailer for context:

Speaking of Mass Effect 3: it looms on the horizon, much as the reapers will loom over the cities of earth … (I’m super excited!). March. A month away. Must … be … patient …

TRANSITION! RPG Superstar 2012: you may remember me talking about this, a bit ago. I did not make it to the round of 32, much to my chagrin. These things happen. For the curious, this was my wondrous item submission:

Skulk Candle
Aura faint evocation; CL 5th
Slot –; Price 1000 gp; Weight 0.5 lbs.
This tall black candle comes with a simple iron candle snuffer. Any attempt to light it, however, fails.

When a candle snuffer is placed over the wick (a standard action), the Skulk Candle douses all non-magical fires of up to campfire size within 30 feet (no line of sight or line of effect required). If the candle moves, any new fires that come within this radius are put out. While it is covered in this manner, no fires may be lit within 30 feet of it, and the candle melts rapidly.

The Skulk Candle can be used for a total of five minutes. This time does not have to be spent all at once, but must be expended in 1 minute increments. Uncovering the wick (a free action) stops the candle from melting.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, deeper darkness; Cost 500 gp

I’ll let you be the judges: was this Superstar material?

And if Paizo wants to grumble about me posting my losing submission here, all i have to say is

Mother fucking Wall of Fire, bitches!


Speaking of Pathfinder and designing things, I’ll be designing a new monster each week in February! It’s the Month of Monsters! HUZZAH! The first should be out in the next couple days.

Finally: I have a new podcast! It’s called Chronicles of a Game Master, and it features me and a rotating cast of guest hosts talking about all things gaming. The first episode is about 5th Edition, and is still in the editing stages (argh). You can check it out at tomorrow!