Dungeon Hacking

Justin Alexander wrote a cool piece (and a follow up) about modeling a hacking system similar to the one found in Deus Ex: HR in a d20 game. This got me thinking: could the same mechanical structure be applied to a different purpose? In this case, interrogating/talking to the denizens of a dungeon?

One of the challenges faced in creating a living dungeon is information; who has it and who does not. Say we take a dungeon populated by a tribe of goblins who have displaced and enslaved a tribe of kobolds. If the PC’s capture one of the residents of the dungeon, how do we as GMs keep track of what information said resident has?

By applying the structure Justin came up with to dugeon dwellers instead of computers, we can create a simple structure to keep track of who knows what.


First, we must come up with a list of information, similar to a Knowledge or Gather Information table.

The DCs represent Intimidation or Diplomacy checks needed to acquire the relevant information.

DC 12 This mine used to belong to the Daggerfang kobolds before goblins took over.
DC 12 The goblins arrived two months ago and killed the Daggerfang Chief.
DC 12 Many Daggerfang’s were killed or ran away; the remaining kobolds have been enslaved to work the mine.
DC 12 Some of the goblins are bored and have been fighting amongst each other
DC 15 The goblins are from the Ripear tribe, a bigger force in the surrounding region know for their riding skills.
DC 15 Big Mama, the leader of this group of Ripears, killed Chief Daggerfang in single combat.
DC 18 The goblins have been driving the kobolds really hard to mine whatever they can. The results are sent out every three days.
DC 18 Big Mama is always guarded by her two handmaidens, a priestess and an insane alchemist.
DC 20 There is an old vein that has been collapsed by the goblins, but still contains a gobln sized secret passage hidden in the rock.
DC 22 When ore and gems are sent back to the Ripear tribe, the goblins only have a token force left in the mine; the kobolds would easily outnumber them.
DC 25 Big Mama is Chief Ripear’s personal consort.
DC 28 Chief Daggerfang was not killed; he was crippled and Big Mama keeps him around for entertainment.

Next Steps

After you develop the information table, you need to apply the following things to the creatures that populate the dungeon.

Information Threshold: Each denizen has an Information Threshold. Any check over this number only reveals information of the Threshold and below.

Unique Information: certain creatures may know one or two pieces of information above their Threshold that can be revealed with a high enough check.

Networking: some dungeon denizens might not have information over their Information Threshold, but know who does. Diplomacy or Intimidate checks that get their attitudes to friendly or helpful cause them to reveal this information.

This can be done during prep or on the fly. I recommend applying Information Thresholds to large groups of dungeon residents ahead of time.


A goblin guard has an Information Threshold of 18, knows about the secret passage (Unique Information), and knows that his boss Grablemouth can tell them more about Big Mama (Networking).

One of the kobold miners (a non-combatant) only has an Information Threshold of 12, but they DO know one of the surviving kobold warriors has more information (Networking).

Final Thoughts

By applying this to the NPCs in your dungeons, you can easily figure out who knows what if the PCs decide to talk to or take someone alive.

This also works well for townsfolk, castle residents, soldiers, etc.

COMMENTORS: Thoughts? Criticisms? Critiques?

The Witch of the Wood

Hey space cadets, today I wanted to post a villain I wrote up for an upcoming hexcrawl (and maybe other campaigns). I was inspired to start designing content for this both by the Kingmaker adventure path I’m playing in, and by this guy. Specifically, his post on opening your gaming table. “Yes!” I thought. “This makes sense!”

So when a friend of mine said we should hang, and that he was itching to game, I thought: let’s get a hexcrawl together.

Basically, a hexcrawl is a dungeon crawl in a bigger space; in this case, the Greenwood (a generic temperate forest of my own design). Each hex can contain a specific encounter, or the chance of a random encounter, or both. It could also contain the home of a major threat, such as: Eliza, the Witch of the Wood.

Thanks, google image search!

Not really what Eliza looks like, unless she's disguised, but pictures break up text quite nicely.

The link will take you to the google doc, for a full write up and stats.

Eliza is a serial killer who hunts children. Very Grimm’s Fairy Tales, and I have to hand it to the folks over at Paizo  for giving me some excellent tools to play with. Specifically, she has the ability to disguise herself at will, cast a spell that entices someone to accept a gift (poisoned candy, anyone?), and she can smell children. The creepy factor of that alone makes me want to run this NPC.

Right now she exists as a sort of “global threat,” someone the PCs may encounter or even try to hunt down if they show any interest, but otherwise simply does her thing (which is to hunt children, in case you forgot). If they decide to focus on her, I can come up with a timeline of her activities and set them lose; otherwise, I can focus on the other things available around the settlement of Lumberton.

Feel free to use her as is or modify as needed in your own games, and let me know what you think! Remember to make full use of the fact that her familiar can deliver touch spells 😉

Sailors Be Sailin’

I present the first of three NPCs who are suitable ship captains for general voyages. These are built under the assumption that most of the world is both specialized and comprised of NPC classes, and that high level characters of ANY class are increasingly rare, especially as you get past level 5 or 6.

All of these NPCs are built using the standard array (13 12 11 10 9 8).

 Zarzuket, below, is an example of what I call an “expert” level NPC; someone who is around level 3 and focused on one particular skill/set of skills. Bear in mind this NPC is a CR 1 at best, and is designed more for non-combat encounters than for fighting.

I hope you find him fun and useful! If he makes it into your game, let me know how he works out!



Zarzuket Sampson, Captain of the Swarthy Duchess

Male Middle-Aged Gnome; Level 3 Expert

Str 7, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 9, Cha 12

Racial Features: low-light vision, eternal hope, gnome magic (CL 3, DC 12, 1/day dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, speak with animals), illusion resistance, keen senses, obsessive (profession: sailor), weapon familiarity.

Languages: common, gnome, sylvan, goblin, aquan.

Feats: Skill Focus (Profession: Sailor), Athletic

Skills: Appraise +7, Acrobatics +6, Bluff +7, Climb +6, Diplomacy +7, Linguistics +6, Profession: Sailor +10, Perception +7, Swim +6

Equipment: masterwork light crossbow, case with 20 bolts, masterwork leather armor, potion of cure light wounds, compass, sailor’s outfit (aboard ship, merchant’s outfit (on shore), chest with average lock and 20 gold, 50 silver and 100 copper inside.

Ship: sailing ship. Armaments: short swords and light crossbows enough for whole crew. Crew: captain + 1st mate (expert 2) + 6 sailors (expert 1).

Combat Stats:

HP 20

AC 13 (flat-footed 13, touch 11), CMD 9

Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +2

Attack: masterwork light crossbow +3 (1d8, 19-20/x2)

BAB/CMB: +2/-1

Haleen (Dwarf Version, Legacy of Fire)

Editors Note: Haleen is a NPC for the Legacy of Fire Adventure Path, published by Paizo. One of my characters picked up the campaign trait featuring Haleen, but he wanted his character to have been adopted and raised by dwarves. Thus, I have re-skinned Haleen as a Dwarf. And since this character’s PC is a rogue, I’ve also splashed in a rogue level or two.

Female dwarf fighter 2/rogue 2
CN Medium humanoid
Init +3;  Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +7

AC 19, touch 13, Flat-footed 16
hp 36 (2d10 plus 2d8+12)
Fort +3, Ref +3,  Will +1,
Defensive Abilities hardy, defensive training, evasion

Spd 20 ft
Melee +1 rapier +8 (1d6+1/18-20×2)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6, improved dirty trick

Str 12, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +3; CMB +4, CMD 17
Feats weapon finesse**, combat expertise, dodge*, weapon focus (rapier)*, improved dirty trick
Skills acrobatics +8, bluff +4, climb +4, disable device +6, intimidate +6, perception +7, perform (dance) +5, sleight of hand +6, stealth +6
Languages common, dwarven, gnoll, kelish
SQ slow and steady, darkvision, defensive training, greed, hatred, hardy, stability, stonecunning, weapon familiarity
SA trapfinding, bravery +1, sneak attack +1d6, evasion, rogue talent (finesse rogue)
Equipment chain shirt, +1 buckler, +1 rapier, battle market key, 320 gp

See Legacy of Fire book 1: Howl of the Carrion King

*fighter bonus feat
**rogue talent

Core, APG

Abroshtor the Alchemist

JANDOR’S NOTES: Abroshtor is a character I created/ran in an adventure one of my good friends (Delthrin Mir of The Grim Axis) ran over Christmas. Designed to have a tool for most every situation, his full equipment list (which is huge) contained many mundane items and poisons. He carried a couple fun things, such as a single dose of Deathblade that he was saving for a deserving foe (TBD).

In play, Abroshtor proved to be pretty handy, dealing decent damage (provided the target wasn’t immune to fire) and providing a decent amount of utility and control. Definitely a good character for a game with downtime. He’s pretty accurate, but easy to hit (so the use of trickery and extracts such as Invisibility are key).

Only major issues were: need a way to deal multiple damage types with your bombs (easy to do with discoveries), and he’s not super party friendly (high single target damage, but the splash damage effects people in melee with the target, which in a lot of groups is going to be a decent chunk of the party).

Sources used: Pathfinder Core, Advanced Player’s Guide, Player’s Handbook II, Magic of Eberron.

Note: the +2/+1 numbers under Extracts Per Day indicate an extract that hasn’t been prepared yet. Nice feature of the Alchemist is that it only takes 1 minute to prepare an extract, so leaving some open adds to your utility potential.

Male gnome alchemist 8
NE Small humanoid (gnome)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, Perception +14

AC 18, touch 12, Flat-footed 16
hp 56 (8d8+16)
Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +4, +2 vs illusions, +6 vs poison
Defensive Abilities poison resistance +6, illusion resistance +2, poison use

Spd 20 ft.
Melee alchemical blade +7/+2 (1d4-1 plus alchemical item plus poison, 19-20/x2)
Ranged crossbow +10/+5 (1d6+1 plus poison, 19-20/x2)
Ranged bomb +11 (5d6+5/x2, splash 10)
Ranged splash weapon +11 (per item +5/x2)
Special Attacks bomb (5d6 fire damage), poison, alchemical items, mutagens, extracts

Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 18 (20), Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +6; CMB +4, CMD +16
Feats brew potion, grenadier, point blank shot, precise shot, master alchemist, throw anything
Skills Appraise +9, Craft: alchemy +26, Craft: armor +9, Craft: traps +9, Craft: weapon +9, Disable Device +7, Heal +5, Knowledge: arcana +12, Knowledge: engineering +7, Knowledge: local +13, Knowledge: nature +12, Linguistics +6, Perception +14, Spellcraft +16, Stealth +14, Use Magic Device +12
Extracts (Per Day: 6/5/3)
1st: bomber’s eye, bomber’s eye, disguise self, expeditious retreat +2
2nd: false life, alchemical allocation, cat’s grace +2
3rd: fly, amplify elixir +1
Formula Known
1st: bomber’s eye, crafter’s fortune, disguise self, enlarge person, expeditious retreat, shield, true strike, comprehend languages, cure light wounds, identify
2nd: alchemical allocation, alter self, invisibility, blur, cat’s grace, cure moderate wounds, false life, see invisibility
3rd: amplify elixir, fly, protection from energy, arcane sight, cure serious wounds, water breathing
Languages common, gnome, sylvan, draconic, dwarven, elven, undercommon
SQ gnome racial traits, poison resistance +6
Combat Gear numerous alchemical items, +1 alchemy blade, +1 heavy repeating crossbow, poison, potions, wands
Equipment Headband of Vast Intellect +2 (knowledge: local), formula book, see spreadsheet
Money 736 gp

Small, Slow Speed, Low-Light Vision, Illusion Resistance, Keen Senses, Master Tinker, Obsessive, Pyromaniac, Weapon Familiarity
Favored Class: Alchemist. Benefit: +1/2 bombs per level (4 at 8th)
Alchemy, bomb 4d6 (5d6 if fire), brew potion, mutagen, throw anything, poison resistance +6, poison use, discovery (dispelling bomb, enhance potion 5/day, smoke bomb, stink bomb), swift alchemy, swift poisoning

Appraise* 1, Craft:* alchemy 6, Craft:* armor 1, Craft:* traps 1, Craft:* weapon 1, Disable Device* 4, Heal* 1, Knowledge:* arcana 4, Knowledge: engineering 1, Knowledge:* nature 4, Linguistics 1, Perception* 8, Spellcraft* 8, Stealth 8, Use Magic Device* 8
*class skill

mithril chain shirt, heavy repeating crossbow, all poisons, potions, and alchemical items, alchemy blade (1d4, 19-20/x2, can be loaded with alchemical splash weapon as a standard action).