Jandor’s Magic Item Series #13 – Eclipse

Hey there space cadets! Check out the first post in the series here!

NAME: Eclipse (+3 Bastard Sword)

Aura Moderate evocation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, blind-fight, darkness; Price 20,495 gp; Identify Spellcraft DC 24

DESCRIPTION: This bastard sword is a very well-balanced weapon made of superior steel, with a worn leather grip. When drawn, it sheds silvery light (reminiscent of moonlight) like a torch. Due to the blade’s exceptional craftsmanship, it swings quickly and surely despite its weight.

Once per day, the wielder of Eclipse may (with a command word) turn the light it sheds into darkness, as the spell, centered on the weapon. This effect lasts for9 minutes, or until dismissed (a free action). If the wielder has the Blind-Fight feat, he or she does not need to roll for concealment caused by this effect.

HISTORY: The bastard sword Eclipse is one of a series of weapons bearing the same name, each created by an Oracle of the dark tapestry named Orien. Cursed with clouded vision, Orien had spent many years training to overcome his limitations in combat. He was in many ways a better fighter than his longtime companion, an Inquisitor, and one of his favorite tactics was to lure his foes into a location where sight did not present much of an advantage (shade, caves, darkened alleys, etc.).

Later in his career, Orien began a study of weaponsmithing, and his proudest accomplishment was a line of weapons he called Eclipse. Each weapon shed light, much like the light of the moon and stars Orien worshiped. But in a unique twist, each weapon could also invert that light, creating a pool of darkness, a great advantage to those trained to fight with more than their vision.

This particular Eclipse was wielded by Orien’s Inquisitor companion, and was donated to their church upon the Inquisitor’s death. Many agents have wielded it in the years since, and it has become something of a collectors item. How it ended up here is a mystery, but perhaps the church might know more …

SAMPLE TREASURE HORDE: 900 gold pieces in nine leather pouches, and Eclipse. This sample horde could belong to any CR 7 creature that uses standard treasure.

Editor’s note: I specifically didn’t mention any Gods in the description above so as to keep this item setting neutral. Feel free to substitute any deity who may be connected to the Dark Tapestry in your campaign setting (or to stars, night, darkness, the moon, or another similar domain).

Now for the legal stuff:

This supplement uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Publishing, LLC, which are used under Paizo’s Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This item is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Publishing. For more information about Paizo’s Community Use Policy, please visit paizo.com/communityuse. For more information about Paizo Publishing and Paizo products, please visit paizo.com.

Sources Used: Core Rulebook and Ultimate Combat

Creative Commons License
Jandor’s Magic Item Series by Anthony Borzotta is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.d20pfsrd.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.d20pfsrd.com/extras/community-use.

Jandor’s Magic Item Series #12 – Coplamak

Hey there space cadets! Check out the first post in the series here!

NAME: Coplamak (+5 huge Heavy Mace)

Aura Strong evocation; CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Price 50,336 gp; Identify Spellcraft DC 30

DESCRIPTION: This 10 foot long, 8 inch thick wooden pole is reinforced with copper bands. One end is wrapped in leather and has a strap; at the other end, a heavy stone ball is securely fastened. It weighs around 32 lbs altogether. Given the size and balance, it looks like it’s was created for a Storm Giant or something of similar size.

HISTORY: Coplamak is an ancient heavy mace, created by a Storm Giant priest named Taştan.

During the mythic era, when giants walked the earth and orcs, elves, dwarves and the other humanoids were just beginning to come into being, the storm giants of Gökyüzü were warring against the devils of the Nine Hells. The conflict had been raging for centuries, with neither side gaining the upper hand.

Taştan, a warrior priestess, was the leader of the Gökyüzü church, and one of their mightiest warriors. Frustrated by her foe’s natural resistances to sword and hammer, bow and blade, fire and acid and many energies besides, Taştan desired a weapon that would instil fear in her enemies and give her people an edge.

Many prototypes were created. Some were instilled with holy energy; some aligned themselves with the wielder; some exploded with frost and silver flame upon striking a creature or object. She used cold iron, steel, stone, bronze, mithral, adamantine, dragon bone … and rejected them all. Each had a single element in their favor, but none accomplished her goal.

Frustrated, Taştan communed with her gods for a year and  a day. The war waged on, and the giants, bereft of one of their most powerful soldiers, began to give ground. The Gökyüzü high command begged her to return, to fight, to help, but she refused.

In the end, the priestess had an epiphany. She looked around her chamber at all of the discarded ideas, the formulas worked and re-worked and abandoned, the countless hours of thought, and she realized that she was simply trying to hard. She realized that sometimes, simplicity is the key to greatness.

So she forged Coplamak, and she forged it with such skill and precision that despite being made of stone and wood, despite having no unique properties or powers, it was and remains her greatest work. And when she finished Coplamak, she took it up and strode into battle and laid waste to an army of devils, their natural resistances as nothing before its might.

Coplamak did not win the war, but it did turn the tide. Since that day, all giants revere it as an example of the perfect weapon, and seek to wield it themselves.

SAMPLE TREASURE HORDE: 9,000 gold pieces in a dragonskin sack, a complete set of the Harmonious Figures of Kan-Le (each a statue of a monk, approximately 1 foot high, in a unique pose; when collected, the depict a lost kata of the Kan-Le style; individually they are worth 1500 gp each, together considerably more), and Coplamak. This sample horde could belong to any CR 17 creature that uses standard treasure.

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This supplement uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Publishing, LLC, which are used under Paizo’s Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This item is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Publishing. For more information about Paizo’s Community Use Policy, please visit paizo.com/communityuse. For more information about Paizo Publishing and Paizo products, please visit paizo.com.

Sources Used: Core Rulebook and Ultimate Combat

Creative Commons License
Jandor’s Magic Item Series by Anthony Borzotta is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.d20pfsrd.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.d20pfsrd.com/extras/community-use.

Jandor’s Magic Item Series #7 – Seething Sands

Hey there space cadets! This series is all about magic items for your game table. Most will be Pathfinder, but a few from other game systems may crop up from time to time.

Each item will have a unique name, history, and treasure horde in which you may find it, as well as relevant crafting information and cost.

The goal of this series is to present a number of helpful and interesting items GMs can drop into a treasure horde or have ready for that random encounter on those days where you just don’t have a bunch of prep time. Or, maybe the item will spark a bit of story or an adventure!

NAME: Seething Sands (+2 Furious Mithral Scimitar)

Aura Moderate enchantment; CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, rage; Price 20,015 gp; Identify Spellcraft DC 23

DESCRIPTION: This curved, flat blade glitters in the light like polished silver. When held, your nostrils fill with a faint scent of blood.

HISTORY: Seething Sands was crafted for a barbarian who hailed from a vast desert. He was a fearsome warrior, and his wrath was rightly feared across the land.

During one of his many adventurers, the barbarian found himself underground, tracking someone. He stopped to rest and resupply at a dwarven settlement, know for their mithral mine.

During his stay, a purple worm broke through the mining tunnels, causing massive devastation and death. The barbarian, disturbed from his rest, grabbed his sword and charged, doing battle with the beast.

It was an epic fight. In the end, the worm swallowed the barbarian and, thinking itself the victor, turned on the dwarves … only to die, surprised, as the barbarian carved his way out of it’s stomach.

His sword (a trusty scimitar) was lost to the beast’s gullet, and in return for saving them the dwarves crafted the barbarian this blade. Inspired by his ferocious battle fervor, the craftsman enchanted it with a small slice of the barbarians fury, so that whenever he raged while wielding the blade it grew only stronger.

The barbarian’s name, as well as his eventual fate, has been lost to the passage of time, but his weapon still exists, hungering to taste battle once more.

SAMPLE TREASURE HORDE: 11,000 gold pieces in a beautiful darkwood chest with gold filigree (itself worth 550 gp), a silver crown studded with moonstones (worth 550 gp), a set of 12 silver goblets studded with 4 beautiful pearls (worth about 500 gp), a small round portrait of a minor noble from an ancient bloodline (worth about 600 gp), two mithral combs with gold trim, and Seething Sands. This sample horde could belong to any CR 18 creature that uses standard treasure.

Now for the legal stuff:

This supplement uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Publishing, LLC, which are used under Paizo’s Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This item is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Publishing. For more information about Paizo’s Community Use Policy, please visit paizo.com/communityuse. For more information about Paizo Publishing and Paizo products, please visit paizo.com.

Sources Used: Core Rulebook and Ultimate Combat

Creative Commons License
Jandor’s Magic Item Series by Anthony Borzotta is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.d20pfsrd.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.d20pfsrd.com/extras/community-use.

Jandor’s Magic Item Series #6 – Siege Wizard’s Staff

Hey there space cadets! This series is all about magic items for your game table. Most will be Pathfinder, but a few from other game systems may crop up from time to time.

Each item will have a unique name, history, and treasure horde in which you may find it, as well as relevant crafting information and cost.

The goal of this series is to present a number of helpful and interesting items GMs can drop into a treasure horde or have ready for that random encounter on those days where you just don’t have a bunch of prep time. Or, maybe the item will spark a bit of story or an adventure!

NAME: Siege Wizard’s Staff

Aura Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Staff, greater energy siege shot, greater magic siege engine, move earth; Price 36,800 gp; Identify Spellcraft DC 26

DESCRIPTION: This staff is made of a strong, light wood and re-enforced with three iron bands. Worn leather strips form a comfortable grip, and dwarven runes cover the bands, revealing the spells contained within.

The Siege Wizard’s Staff allows the use of the following spells: move earth (3 charges), greater energy siege shot (1 charge), and greater magic siege engine (1 charge).

HISTORY: This staff was developed by a dwarven siege wizard named Bara Obsidian. She was instrumental in several major engagements on the surface and in enormous underground caverns, where the dwarven army’s superior canons and firearms won the day.

Bara’s clan was beset by foes, and as she grew in power and prestige her services were in greater demand. She created this staff to aid her in her duties, and taught other wizards of her clan how to make it. Siege Wizard’s Staves have since spread a bit, and can be found in major settlements or kingdoms who have need of such magics. However, like all staves, it is quite rare.

SAMPLE TREASURE HORDE: 7,000 gold pieces in a wooden chest (itself worth 20 gp), 8 flawed uncut emeralds worth ~400 gp each, and a Seige Wizard’s Staff. This sample horde could belong to any CR 14 creature that uses standard treasure.

Now for the legal stuff:

This supplement uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Publishing, LLC, which are used under Paizo’s Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This item is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Publishing. For more information about Paizo’s Community Use Policy, please visit paizo.com/communityuse. For more information about Paizo Publishing and Paizo products, please visit paizo.com.

Sources Used: Core Rulebook and Ultimate Combat

Creative Commons License
Jandor’s Magic Item Series by Anthony Borzotta is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.d20pfsrd.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.d20pfsrd.com/extras/community-use.

Jandor’s Magic Item Series #5 – Pilferer’s Potion

Hey there space cadets! This series is all about magic items for your game table. Most will be Pathfinder, but a few from other game systems may crop up from time to time.

Each item will have a unique name, history, and treasure horde in which you may find it, as well as relevant crafting information and cost.

The goal of this series is to present a number of helpful and interesting items GMs can drop into a treasure horde or have ready for that random encounter on those days where you just don’t have a bunch of prep time. Or, maybe the item will spark a bit of story or an adventure!

NAME: Pilferer’s Potion (potion of gaseous form)

Aura Faint; CL 5th; Brew Potion, gaseous form; Price 750 gp; Identify Spellcraft DC 20, Perception DC 18

DESCRIPTION: This potion comes in a sturdy glass bottle covered in black felt to prevent it clinking. The stopper is a black cork stamped with a gold cloud-like symbol. When drank, the imbiber turns into a cloud, as the spell gaseous form.

HISTORY: Zekarian the Alchemist is not a gnome who is afraid to market his wares. Even if he tends to sell to a rather “select” clientele. His “Pilferer’s Potion” is one in a line of “tools for the discerning professional,” and drinking it allows the imbiber to “slip through the cracks in the floor, silent and unseen, with wares in hand.”

The fact that it doesn’t actually make you invisible was a point of contention for his clients, and Zekarian had to re-evaluate his marketing strategy after a visit from one of these “discerning professionals.”

It remains a very useful item, however, for the nefarious and the adventurer alike. Pilferer’s Potions (or their knockoffs) can be seen across the world, in treasure hordes, underground markets, and in the belt pouches of many a thief or explorer.

SAMPLE TREASURE HORDE: 30,000 copper pieces in a several burlap sacks and one wooden chest, a large wool tapestry depicting a dragon breathing fire on a knight with a raised shield (worth ~400 gp), a mithril circlet inlaid with 6 white opals (worth ~8000 gp), a gold music box that’s slightly out of tune (worth ~2000 gp), and a Pilferer’s Potion. This sample horde could belong to any CR 8 creature that uses standard treasure. Could be a fun horde for a notorious thief or low-level criminal syndicate.

Now for the legal stuff:

This supplement uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Publishing, LLC, which are used under Paizo’s Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This item is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Publishing. For more information about Paizo’s Community Use Policy, please visit paizo.com/communityuse. For more information about Paizo Publishing and Paizo products, please visit paizo.com.

Sources Used: Core Rulebook and Advanced Player’s Guide

Creative Commons License
Jandor’s Magic Item Series by Anthony Borzotta is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.d20pfsrd.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.d20pfsrd.com/extras/community-use.

Jandor’s Magic Item Series #4 – Red Hawk Armor

Hey there space cadets! This series is all about magic items for your game table. Most will be Pathfinder, but a few from other game systems may crop up from time to time.

Each item will have a unique name, history, and treasure horde in which you may find it, as well as relevant crafting information and cost.

The goal of this series is to present a number of helpful and interesting items GMs can drop into a treasure horde or have ready for that random encounter on those days where you just don’t have a bunch of prep time. Or, maybe the item will spark a bit of story or an adventure!

NAME: Red Hawk Armor (+2 Full Plate)

Aura Moderate; CL 6th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Price 5,650 gp; Identify Spellcraft DC 21

DESCRIPTION: This masterwork suit of steel full plate armor is emblazoned with a crimson hawk, wings spread in a swooping pose, on the chest piece.

HISTORY: The Red Hawk’s were an ancient order of cavaliers, fierce knights and mighty warriors, who defended a tiny kingdom. In their heyday, they were widely renown for their prowess in battle, devotion to their monarch, and skill with mount and bird.

During the reign of the last monarch, Queen Sarah, of their kingdom, the Red Hawks were instrumental in turning the tide of a siege on the capitol.  In return for their heroics, the Queen commissioned these suits of armor: 20 in all. The high ranking members of the order each received a suit, and it became a symbol and a badge of honor for the knights.

They wore them up to the day they all fell in a dramatic final stand, falling one by one against the very army they had defeated not a decade earlier. All 20 suits of armor were claimed by the invaders, and they have since spread throughout the land, having been sold, traded, stolen, or taken by force.

SAMPLE TREASURE HORDE: 8,000 silver pieces in a banded iron chest (itself worth 100 gp) and a suit of Red Hawk Armor. This sample horde could belong to any CR 8 creature that uses standard treasure.

Now for the legal stuff:

This supplement uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Publishing, LLC, which are used under Paizo’s Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This item is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Publishing. For more information about Paizo’s Community Use Policy, please visit paizo.com/communityuse. For more information about Paizo Publishing and Paizo products, please visit paizo.com.

Sources Used: Core Rulebook and Advanced Player’s Guide

Creative Commons License
Jandor’s Magic Item Series by Anthony Borzotta is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.d20pfsrd.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.d20pfsrd.com/extras/community-use.

Jandor’s Magic Item Series #3 – Darla’s Greater Metamagic Rod of Reach

Hey there space cadets! This series is all about magic items for your game table. Most will be Pathfinder, but a few from other game systems may crop up from time to time.

Each item will have a unique name, history, and treasure horde in which you may find it, as well as relevant crafting information and cost.

The goal of this series is to present a number of helpful and interesting items GMs can drop into a treasure horde or have ready for that random encounter on those days where you just don’t have a bunch of prep time. Or, maybe the item will spark a bit of story or an adventure!

NAME: Darla’s Greater Metamagic Rod of Reach

Aura Strong (no school); CL 17th; Craft Rod, Reach Spell; Price 24,500 gp; Identify Spellcraft DC 32

DESCRIPTION: This item is a smooth granite rod, about two feet in length and around an inch and a half in diameter. It is surprisingly light, weighing a mere 5 pounds.

A spellcaster who takes hold of the rod feels a slight thrum of power. Three times a day, the rod can be used to increase the range of any spell cast by one step (touch to close, close to medium, medium to long).

HISTORY: This unassuming object is actually a greater metamagic rod of reach, and was (at least for a while) the prized possession of a sorcerer named Darla.

Darla had a knack for touch spells; shocking grasp, chill touch, ghoul touch … when she had to fight she liked to do it close up. Maybe it was her draconic heritage, or maybe it was the influence of her barbarian companion Gail; whatever the reason, she was more likely to be found mixing it up in a melee than hanging back blasting fireball like most of her contemporaries.

However, hot headed though she was, even Darla recognized the utility and advantage of ranged engagements. There are any number of creatures it is best to stay as far away from as possible. And so she had this item commissioned, allowing her to use her signature spells while staying out of melee range.

Darla and Gail eventually retired and opened up a tavern together. Darla sold the rod to a traveling merchant named Charles Epson in order to fund the business, and lived out her days happily with her life-long companion.

Charles, on the other hand, had a very brief but explosive career, ending in a confrontation with a wizard who rather fancied Darla’s old rod but had no intention of paying full price. The argument escalated to the point where the wizard (a vicious elf named Alim) cast burning hands, intending to immolate Charles and take the rod from his corpse.

Unfortunately for both of them, the spell triggered several of the explosive runes Charles had guarding his wares, and the entire cart went up in a torrent of flame, taking Alim and the merchant with it. The rod lay in the wreckage, unharmed, and was forgotten.

SAMPLE TREASURE HORDE: 10 small moss agate gems and Darla’s Greater Metamagic Rod of Reach. This sample horde could belong to any CR 11 creature that uses standard treasure.

Now for the legal stuff:

This supplement uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Publishing, LLC, which are used under Paizo’s Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This item is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Publishing. For more information about Paizo’s Community Use Policy, please visit paizo.com/communityuse. For more information about Paizo Publishing and Paizo products, please visit paizo.com.

Sources Used: Core Rulebook and Advanced Player’s Guide

Creative Commons License
Jandor’s Magic Item Series by Anthony Borzotta is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.d20pfsrd.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.d20pfsrd.com/extras/community-use.

Jandor’s Magic Item Series #2 – Wand of Enervation

Hey there space cadets! This series is all about magic items for your game table. Most will be Pathfinder, but a few from other game systems may crop up from time to time.

Each item will have a unique name, history, and treasure horde in which you may find it, as well as relevant crafting information and cost.

The goal of this series is to present a number of helpful and interesting items GMs can drop into a treasure horde or have ready for that random encounter on those days where you just don’t have a bunch of prep time. Or, maybe the item will spark a bit of story or an adventure!

NAME: Alejandro’s Wand of Enervation (wand of enervation, 21 charges remaining)

Aura Moderate necromancy; CL 7th; Craft Wand, enervation; Price 8820 gp Identify Spellcraft DC 22

DESCRIPTION: A stiff wand made of mahogany, about 9 inches long. It has a worn leather grip, and faint draconic script along the length of the wood reads: blackest moil/darkest night/wither and die/by unholy light. When held, a little less than half of the etching glows softly blue; as the wand is used, the glow diminishes.

HISTORY: Alejandro’s Wand of Enervation was crafted by a necromancer named Alejandro Torres. It was his crowning achievement; beautiful, deadly, and tremendously expensive.

Alejandro was the son of a wealthy diamond baron. Growing up among the opulence displayed by his parents and their social circle gave the boy a taste for the luxurious. His clothes, his accessories, his equipment, all had to be beautifully crafted, unnecessarily extravagant, and as expensive as possible.

As the third son of the family, Alejandro chose the wizard’s academy over the church, and graduated in reasonably short order from the school with an official specialty as a Universalist. However, his true passion lay in necromancy; and after graduation he continued his studies in seclusion and secrecy.

For a few years he banded up with a group of adventurers, but they soon grew tired of his arrogance, his wasteful spending, and his unsettling interests. The young wizard returned home, meditating on what he had learned, and eventually he crafted this wand. It soon became a source of terror among the servants of his house, and more than a few thieves around the region met their end because of it.

It is uncertain how it ended up here … perhaps it was stolen. Or perhaps Alejandro met his end, his wand unable to save him. Whatever the reason, there is a lingering sense of hunger about the wand.

SAMPLE TREASURE HORDE: 900 gp, a fire opal and platinum stud earring (~1000 gp), a mithril broach studded with four black pearls (~1800 gp), black silk eyepatch emblazoned with a stylized eye made of purple corundum (~1900 gp), nobles clothing (tattered and dirty), and Alejandro’s Wand of Enervation (21 charges reamining). This sample horde could belong to any CR 9 creature that uses standard treasure. If the creature has swallow whole or is otherwise likely to have eaten Alejandro, remove the ruined clothes. The metals may also be corroded by stomach acid.

Now for the legal stuff:

This supplement uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Publishing, LLC, which are used under Paizo’s Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This item is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Publishing. For more information about Paizo’s Community Use Policy, please visit paizo.com/communityuse. For more information about Paizo Publishing and Paizo products, please visit paizo.com.

Sources Used: Core Rulebook

Creative Commons License
Jandor’s Magic Item Series by Anthony Borzotta is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.d20pfsrd.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.d20pfsrd.com/extras/community-use.

Jandor’s Magic Item Series #1 – The Stone’s Bite

Hey there space cadets! This series is all about magic items for your game table. Most will be Pathfinder, but a few from other game systems may crop up from time to time.

Each item will have a unique name, history, and treasure horde in which you may find it, as well as relevant crafting information and cost.

The goal of this series is to present a number of helpful and interesting items GMs can drop into a treasure horde or have ready for that random encounter on those days where you just don’t have a bunch of prep time. Or, maybe the item will spark a bit of story or an adventure!

NAME: The Stone’s Bite (+1 corrosive dwarven waraxe)

Aura Moderate evocation; CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, acid arrow; Price 8330 gp

DESCRIPTION: A large axe with a double bladed head of dwarven steel,  and a long haft bound in leather. “The Stone’s Bite” is etched on one head in dwarven runes. The weapon is otherwise unadorned. The blades are very sharp, and there is a slightly caustic smell about it. Upon command, The Stone’s Bite becomes slick with acid, dealing an additional +1d6 acid damage with each hit.

HISTORY: The Stone’s Bite was originally crafted for a warrior named Brusk Stonefoot. He commanded a unit of soldiers known as the Tunnel Stones, who were dedicated to patrolling the borders between the dwarven city Axehold and the wilds of the Underdark.

Brusk was granted this weapon in return for his role in defending Axehold against an assault led by the duergar warlord Grimbrow. He defended a tunnel against a wave of duergar soldiers even as his own people set of charges to bring the tunnel down on the attackers. Brusk barely escaped with his life, charging back to safety as tons of earth and stone collapsed behind him. No dwarves died on his watch that day.

He wielded The Stone’s Bite in battle for decades. It became something of a legend in the region. Many a goblin or grimlock trembled at the thought of its acidic bite. Brusk carried it with him up until the day he retired to start a family.

The Stone’s Bite was  mounted above his mantelpiece and remained there until Brusk gifted it to his firstborn, a warrior like her father. She carried it faithfully for 3 years before she was tragically was lost to the Underdark during a routine mining expedition. No-one knew what happened, and Brusk was never able to recover his child’s body, or the weapon he had gifted to her. To this day, no-one knows what happened to the axe.

SAMPLE TREASURE HORDE: 700 gp, four pieces of polished obsidian (worth ~14 gp each), ad The Stone’s Bite (+1 corrosive dwarven waraxe). This sample horde could belong to any CR 6 creature that uses standard treasure. Preference should be given to creatures that live underground or near major dwarven settlements in your campaign setting.

Now for the legal stuff:

This supplement uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Publishing, LLC, which are used under Paizo’s Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This [website, character sheet, or whatever it is] is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Publishing. For more information about Paizo’s Community Use Policy, please visit paizo.com/communityuse. For more information about Paizo Publishing and Paizo products, please visit paizo.com.

Sources Used: Core Rulebook, Advanced Player’s Guide

Creative Commons License
Jandor’s Magic Item Series by Anthony Borzotta is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.d20pfsrd.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.d20pfsrd.com/extras/community-use.